Charis Hobley

SCMT Dip., MTI reg., CNHC reg.

I trained with Sheffield Centre for Massage Training and I’m fully qualified in Holistic Massage with Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology. I’m a registered member of the Massage Training Institute and the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare Council, which exists to drive up standards within our profession.

I discovered the benefits of massage as a gymnast, and my practice is informed by a solid understanding of how our bodies work and how we move. I have a strong background in meditation, which offers wisdom into the mind-body connection, and an ability to be present and work intuitively with you.

I love giving massage, and I’m endlessly inspired by the deeply relaxing and healing power of touch. I focus on client empowerment: knowing your body, knowing what feels right, speaking up about what you want and knowing how to care for your body in between treatment sessions. Clear communication and consent are foundation stones of my practice. I’ll work with you to ensure you’re as comfortable as can be, and that you leave the session feeling fulfilled, and grounded within your own body.